I was living in a boarding school in Boston with some random acquaintances in my life. My bedroom had lots of bugs, specifically centipedes, crawling on the walls. I felt a little uneasy being in this unfamiliar city and school, but also comforted having my own room and space.
Dreams can often be interpreted in multiple ways, as they are unique to each individual's experiences and emotions. In this dream, living in a boarding school in Boston with random acquaintances may symbolize a period of transition or adapting to new surroundings in your waking life. The bugs, especially the centipedes, crawling on the walls could represent feelings of discomfort or uneasiness caused by unknown or challenging situations. However, the fact that you felt some comfort in having your own room and space suggests that you have the ability to find solace and security amid unfamiliar circumstances. Overall, this dream might reflect a mix of anxiety about new environments and the potential for finding personal comfort and stability within them.